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Swift Journal of Agricultural Research (SJAR)
June 2015 Vol. 1(2), pp. 009-014
Copyright © 2015 Swift Journals
Original Research Paper
Lab-Field Evaluation of Some Egyptian Isolates of Entomopathogenic Fungi Metarhizium Anisopliae and Beauveria Bassiana Against Sugar Beet Beetle Cassida Vittata Vill.
Salem, S.A.* and Abdel-Raheem, M.A.; Abdel-Salam, A.M.A. And Farage N.A.
Pests and Plant Protection Department, National Research Centre, Dokki, Egypt.
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Accepted 1 June, 2015
Soil samples from different governorates i.e., Elbehaira (119 samples), Kafr El-Shaeikh (103 samples) and Aswan (97 samples) were investigated. Only 10 samples (3.134 %) contained entomopathogenic fungi, i.e., 7 isolates contain Beauveria Bassiana and 3 isolates contain Metarhizium Anisopliae. The fungi were propagated on PDA media and rice grains. PDA media gave the highest Conidiophores production by B. Bassiana and the rice media gave the highest Conidiophores by M. Anisopliae. Bioassay for the determination of LC 50 values took place versus larvae of the greater wax moth and Galleria mellonella. Conidia were prepared in the lab. for bioassay and filed application at the concentrations of 1.3 x 103 ,1.3 x 104 and 1.3 x 105 spores/ ml. Results were obtained to confirm successful control against larvae and adult populations of the sugar-beet beetle, Cassida vittata Vill. Results indicated that the fungi, M.anisoplia, gave a good effect on Cassida vittata larvae than Beauveria bassiana in the two experimental seasons. In lab-experiments, the same trend obtained by LC50 and LT50 recorded. The fungi, B.bassiana spores tolerate the ambient atmosphere (temperature) than the M.anisoplia.
Keywords: Sugar-beet, Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Cassida vittata, biological control
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