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Swift Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
June 2016 Vol. 2(3), pp. 031-035
ISSN: 2986-9811
Copyright © 2016 Swift Journals
Original Research Paper
The Development of Electronic Document Archiving System for Mindanao University of Science and Technology
Ms. Love Jhoye M. Raboy Mr. Dwiff C. Baconguis Mr. Lee Jonuel C. Bagabuyo Ms. Rose Glen P. Fuentes Mr. Jefferson Y. Jamboy
College of Industrial and Information Technology, Mindanao University of Science and Technology
Claro M. Recto Avenue, Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City, 9000 Philippines
*Corresponding Author E-mail:,
Accepted 9th June, 2016
Manual handling of the documents is hard to manage due to these factors such as possible misplaced of documents, lost documents and searching is time consuming especially when the documents stored increases in volume. The study aims to develop an Electronic Document Archiving System (EDAS). A tool that can help offices keep backup copies of their physical files or documents and provide easy search and retrieval of the documents. The EDAS produces a digitized copy from a hard copy document through capturing an image of it. Various Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) were used to link the input devices, which are the webcam and scanner, in consolidating the images into one document and for archiving the files. Specified document information and keyword tagging method were applied to act as a metadata of the files that are stored in the database. Metadata serves as a complete tag of each file generated, that can be used in the identification of files. A text search query was used to match the metadata of files in searching and retrieval of the file. The EDAS average searching time is 0.09 seconds while manual searching takes 20.59 seconds. The result of the study states that the overall system searching time is faster than the manual searching.
Keywords: Electronic Document Archiving, digital document, digital tags
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