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Swift Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity (SJSSH)
June 2015 Vol. 1(1), pp. 001-007
Copyright © 2015 Swift Journals
Original Research Paper
Testing Three Mediation Models of the Relationship between Workplace Bullying, Coping Strategies and Romanian Employees’ Strain
Maidaniuc-Chirilă Teodora* and Ticu Constantin
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Psychology Department, Iași, Romania
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Accepted 25 May, 2015
The present study aims to identify the best mediation model of the relationships between workplace bullying, coping strategies and Romanian employees’strain. 313 (226 female and 84 male) Romanian employees participated at the present study by completing online the questionnares measuring workplace bullying exposure, five different coping strategies and personal strain. The results showed the best fit for the thrid model presenting a second order mediation model having as mediators the passive coping strategies. Employing passive strategies such as denial, mental disengagement and behavioural disengagement has a positive impact on Romanian employees’ strain. The workplace bullying exposed employees who employed passive strategies such as denial, mental and behavioural disengagement decreased their physical and mental strain. The results of the present study have practical implications for human resources practitioners in that it provides new ways to cope with workplace bullying.
Keywords: Workplace bullying, coping strategies, mental and physical strain, structural equation models.
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