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Swift Journal of Nursing and Midwifery (SJNM)
November 2015 Vol. 1(1), pp. 001-011
Copyright © 2015 Swift Journals
Original Research Paper
Effectiveness of Psycho- Educational Nursing Intervention on Adolescents' Premenstrual Syndrome and Self-Efficacy
Maaly.E. Elmalky and Sabah. M. Ebrahem
Department of psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Menoufia University, Shebin El-Kom, Egypt
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Accepted 13 October, 2015
Severe premenstrual symptoms are very common with a prevalence of 3 to 8% among women of reproductive age. Symptoms range from emotional and cognitive to physical changes that can have a strong impact on everyday functioning and quality of life. The aim of the study: the aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of psycho- educational nursing intervention program on adolescents’ premenstrual syndrome and self-efficacy. Design: A quasi experimental design (two group one group was controlled and the other was experimental group). Setting: The study was conducted at the faculty of the nursing magnify governorate. Subject: A convenience sample of 60 students divided into two groups, one experimental and the other control group from the previous mentioned setting Tools: I-A constructive interviewing questionnaire was developed and validated by the researcher consists of two parts part one to assess socio-demographic data and part two was to assess self-efficacy with regard to managing premenstrual syndrome. II-Penn premenstrual syndromes scale to measure premenstrual symptoms. Results: The main finding of this study illustrated that, there was a highly statistically significant difference in redactions of premenstrual syndromes and improvement of self-efficacy on experimental group than control group post intervention program, no significant correlation between self-efficacy and premenstrual syndromes and no significant relation between sociodemographic data and both self-efficacy or premenstrual syndromes. Conclusion: psych educational nursing intervention program was effective in reduction of premenstrual syndromes and raising adolescences self-efficacy regarding managing premenstrual symptoms. Recommendation: Specific self-management programs should be developed, tested and replicated. , psych educational program can provide the women’s with accurate information and education to build the skill needed to achieve optimal self-management.
Keywords: psycho- educational nursing intervention, adolescent, premenstrual syndrome and self-efficacy
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