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Swift Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences (SJMMS)
January 2016 Vol. 2(1), pp. 001-006
Copyright © 2016 Swift Journals
Original Research Paper
Satisfaction of Iraqi Women Regarding Childhood Immunization Services Applied at Primary Health Care Centers in Baghdad
Prof. Dr. Lujain Anwar Alkhazrajy
Consultant Family physician / family & community medicine department /Alkindy college of medicine / university of Baghdad
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Accepted 21st December, 2015
Background: Immunization has been shown to be the most successful and cost-effective public health intervention in the 20th century. In the developing world, it prevents about three million child deaths annually, satisfaction of the care giver with the level of this health service may increase engagement in the health care process. Objectives: to Determine Iraqi women satisfaction regarding immunization program, and to show if there is any relation between the satisfaction and certain demographic variables. Methods: a cross sectional study that was conducted for 6 months at 6 primary health care centers in Baghdad, using a self-administered questionnaire. statistical analysis: Chi-square test was applied looking for association with variables ,P value = 0.05 considered significant Result:540 participants involved in the study with mean age= 25.79 years & standard deviation =( ± 6.232 ) ,30.3 % of the participants were with higher studies , on the other hand40.4 % of them were illiterate , .Most of the participants had either 1(31.9%)or 2 children (44.3%), about 50.1% scored good ,29.9% fair and 20% scored as poor satisfaction Conclusion: half of the participants showed good satisfaction. Significant association was noticed between the level of satisfaction of the participants with certain demographic data like age, level of educating, number of children.
Keywords:Immunization, Satisfaction , primary health care centers (PHCs)
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