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Swift Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
March 2018 Vol. 4(1), pp. 001-010
ISSN: 2986-9811
Copyright 2018 Swift Journals
Original Research Paper
Feminization of Poverty- The Cause and Consequence of Early Childhood Marriages in Iran
Kameel Ahmady
City: Tehran/London, Country: Iran/ UK
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Accepted 20th January, 2018
Many scholars, studying multiple countries, find that, overall, women are more likely to be poor than are their male counterparts (Findlay & Wright, 1996). In this article, we synthesize the primary, and most consistent findings that emerge from this body of a comprehensive research undertaken to increase knowledge about the underlying causes of child marriage in general, by looking at Iran as a case example, which is characterized to a large extent by child marriage. This study defines the phenomenon of ECM in analyses the various underlying factors and consequences of child marriage. The research clearly considers ECM as an obstacle for women empowerment in Iran. It finds that poverty is inextricably linked to the prevalence of child marriage in Iran. The rise or existence of child marriage is a complex and growing narrative which necessitates further research to diagnose and combat this insidious and deeply embedded practice. Within Iran, the context, the narrative demonstrates the prevalence of ECM in the country, shared statistical information about ECM's rate, ECM under the age of 18, and the rate of divorce under the age of 18. It further links the poverty as the top notch reason of ECM similarly as a consequence as well. The article has come up with recommendations to reduce the practice up to an extent.
Keywords: Early Child Marriages, Iran, Culture, Islam, Poverty, Feminization.
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